Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and the educational value they provide. However, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. When we present revenue and sales profits in our presentation and our other channels, we are showcasing exceptional results, which do not reflect the average experience. You should not rely on any revenue, sales, or earnings information we present as any kind of promise, guarantee, or expectation of any level of success or earnings. Your results will be determined by a number of factors over which we have no control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, level of effort, education, and changes within the market. Running a business carries risks, and your use of any information contained on this presentation is as at your own risk. By continuing to listen to our content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decision you may make regarding any information presented or as a result of purchasing any of our products or service. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results are from students who have purchase the Raising Private Money Masterclass.

"Is this for real?"
Imagine finding your next amazing investment opportunity and being able to pick up the phone and raise $390,000 in just 21 days

with no previous experience, without a proven track record and with no liquidity or credit… 

That’s what happened to me. 

Worried you don't have the experience or time? Been there. Don't know who to target or what to say? Been there. Not sure how to tell if the person you're talking to is a REAL private money lender? Been there, too.

You've been worried, frustrated or overwhelmed, because you want to pull the trigger on a deal but you can't line up 100% of the funding.

I’ve been there. And let me tell you… Once I realized these TWO things, everything changed. Want to know what they are?

#1: You DON'T need to "ask" your friends and family members for money

Here is where we creative and think outside the box —how do we build rapport and trust with people of influence AND people who have nothing to do with real estate?

Does this actually work in practice? Uh, yeah!

#2: You DON'T need to have experience, credit or liquidity (a.k.a. skin in the game) 

Once I learned how to present myself to private money lenders, I went from nearly $4.5 Million in private money in my first year to well over $20 Million and then I stopped counting...

It's a simple formula that makes it easy and fun for you to build rapport and trust with private money lenders ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Check out what my students have to say:

"We raised $490,000 within 72 hours by implementing just a few of Amy's creative networking systems! I never thought that I'd be able to raise money from someone who wasn't a part of my existing network. She's killin it!"   

-Devinne & Justin B

"I have raised $2 Million in private money with Amy's proven systems. Thank you for your guidance and genuine interest in seeing us succeed Amy Mahjoory!
Follow the systems and keep pushing everyone! You can do it!"

-Amanda F

“Amy’s invaluable advice, empowerment and encouragement allowed me to raise over 
$9 Million in private money from over 35 different investors over the last 3 years."   

-Dimitri H

"I was able to raise $30,000 in private money for my very first deal as a result of following Amy's proven systems. She provides a ton of tools and guides you every step of the way. I would have had to walk away from the deal if I wasn't able to raise the $30,000 in gap funding. Since then, I have raised hundreds of thousands in private money and resigned from my J-O-B!"

- Jamie T

"Amy is such an inspiration! Her course and her expertise elevate everyone in her program. The course content is NEXT LEVEL, clear and purposeful, every single assignment helps you raise private money with high ethics, morale and integrity."

- Ahmad M
"Happy to report that Amy's PML presentation deck template is very effective! I just tweaked it to include my company info. I have used it twice with my syndication investors and landed new PMLs in both meetings totaling $100K. I have now raised HALF A MILLION DOLLARSAmy is amazing!"

- Matt H
"I raised $88,000 during my first 3 weeks of working with Amy! The customized power packets is what got my private money lender to make the commitment and invest."

- Desirrae B
“I have never raised money for any business venture prior to speaking with Amy. I just raised my first $80,000! If you are willing to put in the work, then she is willing to invest her time in your education and success."

- Ashleigh R
"Since meeting Amy, I have completed 5 deals with private money. My PML network was at 0 and now its 45 and growing every week. I had never raised private money prior to meeting Amy and to date, I have raised over $1.2 Million in private money.  

-Maurice S
“Amy's strategies helped me to confidently raise $250,000 from someone at the gym!"   

-Melissa S

"When I met Amy I had completed 0 deals in real estate. I learned how to market myself and my business, negotiate with everyone and stay strong as a female Entrepreneur in a male dominated profession. I'm now about to start my 8th deal and I have raised over $500,000 in private money and I am forever thankful for my experience with Amy and the impact it has had on my career."   

-Brynn M

"I was able to raise nearly $500,000 in private money from people I had not talked to in a while and from newer people in my network after implementing the rapport building networking strategies Amy created."

- Carolina L

"Met a guy at the blackjack table and raised $450,000 in just a few days implementing just ONE of Amy's scripts!"

- TJ C

"As a result of the strategies I implemented through Amy's coaching program, I was able to raise $1 Million in 30 days."   

-Dean H
“Anyone who is a part of Amy’s community knows that her systems really DO work! I’ve raised close to $300,000 in private money so far and this is coming from someone who is a total introvert."   

-Sierra B

"The systems Amy has in place are easy to follow. She lays it all out for you, from how to set it up, what to say, and how often. The only way to fail is to NOT take action. I now have the support, tools, and systems in place to raise money Confidently!

-Cassandra M


"I've been a real estate investor for over 30 years, and I've decided I need to improve my game in Raising Private Money. I came across Amy's course and thought it was fantastic. I binge watched it in one weekend and within a week, I raised $500,000."

And for the better part of the last decade, I've helped THOUSANDS of real estate investors all over the world raise private money for their business. The result is, they've gone on to grow their existing businesses and start new ones!

I'm committed to helping you transform your mind so that you feel confident raising private money. I take the fear out of raising capital and I break down each of my processes into a methodical and easy to follow system.

All thanks to my proven strategic networking methodology

After scaling all of the heights of traditional corporate success, I realized how little freedom I had and how stuck I was in the rat-race of exchanging my time for money. 

So, I did what anyone with an unquenchable entrepreneurial spirit would do - 

  • RESIGNED FROM DELL: So long side hustle! I left my corporate job after 14 years and haven't looked back! I had the ability to renovate and wholesale multiple properties at once as a result of knowing how to raise private money. 
  • BEGAN COACHING OTHERS: This has been the most rewarding accomplishment to date. The ability to coach and mentor thousands of investors all over the country on the same networking strategies that helped me raise millions of dollars in private money has resulted in lifelong friendships and its also how I met my husband! 
  • GENERATED MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME: I had more money coming in from private money lenders than I needed to invest into my deals so I started referring my lenders to other credible real estate professionals.  
  • LANDED A 4 PART SERIES ON HGTV: I broke the mold with HGTV and ended up recording a 4 part series with their amazing team. 
  • BOOKED PAID SPEAKING OPPORTUNITIES: I quickly became a subject matter expert in the power of raising private money and was able to share my strategies with other real estate professionals all over the world. 
  • PUBLISHED A BEST SELLING BOOK: I finally took the advice of my students and published a book, Networking With A Purpose, that shares my story as I transitioned out of Corporate America and into Entrepreneurship.
  • GOT MARRIED!: I was sharing a testimonial at a real estate workshop about a renovation I completed in Chicago which some random guy (a.k.a. my husband) was working at and the rest is history!
  • LIVE MY LIFESTYLE BY DESIGN: I get to spend my time doing what I want, when I want, with whomever I want. I get to enjoy being a mama to our 5 year old daughter and travel the world with my family. #thethreemusketeers 

If you are committed to creating a life of true fulfillment, a legacy of real meaning, and using your resources in service to a world that works for all, especially and including you!

…I hope you will join me. 


A LIVE program to help you raise private money with confidence!
  • Build your Foundation, take Action, customize your Credibility pieces and the Transactions will follow (My FACT Framework) - "if you build it, they will come"
  • Position yourself as the private money lender educator in your business.
  • Build your inner and outer circle with private money lenders located all over the country! Never worry about targeting your friends or family members again. #YouGotThis!
  • Provide your investors with an OPPORTUNITY to invest - you're not "asking" for anything...
  • Your first LLC is on us!
Step-by-step videos to help you raise private money for your real estate business! 
I’m so literal, detailed, and thorough with my instructions and resources inside #RaisingPrivateMoney. There’s little room for mishaps. 

Either you do the work and get the results, or you don’t do the work and don’t get the results. I'm here supporting you every step of the way and the only way to fail is to not take action.

Access to the online training, including new video tutorials, does NOT expire. 
24/7 online support in our private Facebook group!
  • Get your questions answered as they arise!
  • Connect with accountability partners from all over the country! This also leads to JV opportunities. #lifelongfriendships
  • Learn about new private money systems and strategies after they've been tested and implemented! #lifelonglearning 

Group Coaching Calls to get your questions 
answered LIVE! 

Getting stuck? Join me and the rest of the community on our weekly group coaching calls every Tuesday and we'll keep the momentum going! All calls are recorded.

Celebrate your wins from the week, and set new goals for the upcoming week. You'll love the supportive community of other experts.

Pitch your deal! YES! Kind of like Shark Tank :)

Receive tailored support during our weekly LIVE group Q&A calls.
I'm 100% dedicated to making sure you see results! 
Here's what you'll learn:
  • ​Disclaimers
  • Getting Started!
  • ​LIVE Events
  • ​​The RPM Family
  • ​RPM Live Call Schedule & Question Thread
  • ​​Join the #RaisingPrivateMoney (Members Only) Community
  • ​Member Directory
  • ​Claim Your Bonuses
MODULE 1: Build Your Foundation
  • ​Welcome To Milestone 1!
  • ​​The Types of Private Money Lenders We Are / Are Not Targeting
  • ​Mindset / Get In The Zone!
  • ​Block Your Calendar & Post The Evidence!
  • ​My FACT Framework
  • ​Your Online Presence
  • ​How To Position Yourself on Social Media
  • ​Implement Your 4 Second Power Pitch 
  • ​Your Private Money Goal
MODULE 2: Take Action
  • ​Welcome To Milestone 2!
  • ​Grow Your Subscribers To 100+
  • ​Your Private Money Lender Contact Databse / CRM
  • ​Understand Your 6 Page List Of FAQs 
  • ​LinkedIn & My 1 x 4 x 30 Method
  • ​Connect With Your Alma Mater
  • ​Build Rapport & Trust On MeetUp
  • ​Rapport Building Checklist
  • ​Your Complimentary LLC & Tax Strategy Session
  • ​Your LinkedIn Private Money Goal
MODULE 3: Your Additional Credibility Pieces
  • Welcome to Milestone 3!
  • ​Private Money Power Packet
  • ​Private Money eBook
  • ​Private Money Tracker
  • ​General Contractor Documents
  • ​Before & After Gallery
  • ​Your GENERAL Private Money Presentation
  • ​Your HYBRID Presentation
  • ​​Private Money Contracts
  • ​Leveraging Retirement Accounts
  • ​Credible Proof Of Funds Letters
  • ​Job Site Security Cameras
  • ​​Private Money Workflow
  • ​Closing Process Checklist
  • ​​LIVE Private Money Interview & Your Interview Sheet
  • ​Know, Like, Trust
  • ​Your Private Money Presentation Goal
MODULE 4: Your Networking Mind Map
  • ​Welcome to Milestone 4!
  • ​Structuring Joint Venture Agreements With Your PML's
  • ​Creative Financing 
  • ​Case Studies
  • ​Obtaining Business Lines Of Credit & Credit Cards
  • ​Rental Deal Analyzer (BONUS!)
  • ​Short Term Rental Deal Analyzer (BONUS!)
  • ​​Your Circle Of Influence
  • ​Grow Your Private Money Network 20X In Just 1 Day
  • ​​Get Creative & Think Outside The Box
MODULE 5: Nurture Your Network
  • Welcome to Milestone 5!
  • ​20 Ways To Nurture Your Network
  • ​Your Top 10
  • ​Create Your Private Money Newsletter
  • ​Your Daily Habit
  • ​Hosting Live Webinars To Raise Private Money
  • ​​Your Private Money Power Team
MODULE 6: Time For You To Be the PML
  • ​Welcome to Milestone 6!
  • ​Credit Card Lending
  • ​Other Sources Of Leverage
  • ​Contracts
  • ​Analyzing Deals As The PML
MODULE 7: Outsourcing, Systematizing & Referral Fees
  • ​Welcome to Milestone 7!
  • ​Outsourcing Via Upwork
  • ​Outsourcing Via Fiverr
  • ​Outsourcing Via A Staffing Company
  • ​Your Private Money Lender Referral Fee Script
  • ​Your Realtor "Referral" Fee Script
  • ​Complete Outsourcing Step 1
MODULE 8: Additional Team Members
  • ​Web Design & Online Presence
  • ​Entity Structure, Estate Planning, Bookkeeping & Taxes
  • ​Personal & Business Lines Of Credit
  • ​Your CRM, Command Center & Lead Generator
  • ​Privy
  • ​Virtual Assistant Staffing Company
  • ​Turnkey Rental Properties
  • ​How To Analyze Rental Properties
  • ​How To Analyze Vacation Rentals
  • ​Propstream
  • ​Bank Financing
MODULE 9: Bonus General Real Estate Investment Strategies!
  • ​How To Submit Competitive Offers
  • ​Getting Investor Friendly Realtors To Work With You
  •  Additional Resources
  •  ​Special Guest Speakers
  •  ​LIVE Weekly Q&A Calls With Amy
  • ​ And more!
A Few Of Your Credibility Pieces Include:
Get INSTANT ACCESS when you enroll today...
  Your Private Money Pitch Deck!
Take action NOW and present to groups of private money lenders WITHOUT: 
Worrying about what content to present
Wasting time trying to create the perfect slides
Time down the drain

I've already done all of this for you by creating your Private Money Pitch Deck. Show your audience that you are a polished professional poised for aggressive growth! 
  1 Week Email List Builder
Do you know how unstoppable your brand & business become when you have your own email list? 

No list? No worries! 

My 1 Week List Builder shows you how to build your email list from 0 to 100+ private money lenders in just 1 week!
  Private Money Contracts
Know exactly how to protect, secure and insure your private money lender's investment with the appropriate loan docs. 

I give you the templates and scripts for obtaining these templates.

This is also 1 of MANY different credibility pieces you'll offer your private money lenders as you continue to build rapport and trust. 
  List of FAQ's
Have a detailed understanding of common questions asked by most private money lenders, (even the seasoned ones!), and deliver your response with CONFIDENCE! 

Being able to have the right answers, will set you apart as an expert and as someone that knows what they're doing.

This 6 page credibility piece does just that!
  Private Money Power Packet
Never worry about what your credibility pieces will look like ever again! Your power packet includes 5 different credibility pieces professionally packaged into 1 master file!

Take the power packet provided which breaks down the critical component of your business and CONFIDENTLY walk into any meeting or conference call as a polished professional!
Receive INSTANT ACCESS to...
Get Paid to Network!
I'll break down the networking systems I used to generate over $3,000 in 30 minutes:
When you pay in full, you'll also receive access to my BONUS module! This BONUS module serves 2 purposes, 1) get paid to host your own event and position yourself as an expert in your market and 2) implement the scripts required to generate referral fees RIGHT NOW from your contractors, realtors, various lenders, etc.
Property Analysis Template (PAT)
You'll receive the EXACT same template I use in my own business to ensure you have a solid deal in hand before approaching any of your private money lenders. Share your financial analysis with each private money lender for EVERY SINGLE property you put under contract:
Show them that you've taken every single cost variable into consideration. Be transparent about your projected profit.
Build their confidence in you!


"I joined this program 1 year ago and I have raised $2 Million dollars in private money. Thank you for your guidance and genuine interest in seeing us succeed Amy Mahjoory!
Follow the systems and keep pushing everyone!"

“The whole system is amazing! The well packaged power packet, knowing what to say and what NOT to say gives me the confidence to connect with private money lenders as a polished professional. Amy provides a solid framework to work within, I'm pumped!"

-Nick G

““The homework assignments definitely opened our eyes to the different avenues of acquiring PML."

- Tomiko & Teryn C

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you've done for us. We appreciate it, we couldn't be here without you!" 

- Lenore M.

Ready to Raise Private Money with someone who's raised over $20 Million then stopped counting?
Copyright 2021 | Networking with Amy | Raising Private Money | All rights reserved |


Amy’s results are not typical and are not a guarantee of your success. Amy is an experienced real estate investor and your results will vary depending on education, work experience, and background. Amy does not personally participate in every real estate investment she discusses. Due to sensitivity of financial information, we do not know or track the typical results of our students. Amy's strategies may not always be accurate, and her investments may not always be profitable. They could result in a loss of an entire investment. We cannot guarantee that you will make money or that you will be successful if you employ her  strategies specifically or generally. Consequently, your results may significantly vary from hers. We do not give investment advice, tax advice, or other professional advice. Reference to specific securities should not be construed as a recommendation to buy, sell or hold that security. Specific securities are mentioned for informational purposes only.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, investment strategy, or individual’s investment does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.